For the past month or so, a lot of us have had to adjust to a new normal.

The threat of COVID-19 has rendered millions sick and countless others worried about the lack of supplies and livelihood. If you are reading this, you may be among the lucky ones who have the privilege of working from home.

As members of the “work from home” force, we need to try our best to continue making business--and life--as smooth as possible for the clients and families who depend on us. To do this, we need to optimize the way we work from home.

For those still adjusting to the new set-up, or those who are considering work from home as a permanent arrangement, here are some tips for you:

1. Have a routine, as if you were still going to a physical office

Designate time for chores, meals, work, and rest. Shower (or even dress up!) before you clock in. This helps your brain ease in and out of your “work” and “home” mindsets.


2. Set boundaries between home life and office life

Set clock-in and clock-out times, and communicate with your co-workers or clients before you call it a day. This helps you avoid burnout, non-stop work, and distractions.


3. Designate a home office space

Use a desk and chair, and avoid working in bed or in a busy common area. Let your family, housemates, and pets understand that you need to be undisturbed during your working hours. Setting up a space will also help avoid awkward moments like family members interrupting a conference call.


4. Exercise and stretch regularly

Working at home during this quarantine period means that you will have less opportunities to walk to the office or go to the gym. But it also means that you have more time to incorporate fitness into your daily routine. Download a workout app and do a few reps before you start the workday. You can also take a walk as a breather between tasks.


5. Take breaks and give yourself small rewards

Pet your dog after a successful teleconference. Dance to your favorite song every 2PM. Open a pack of chips as an afternoon snack! That said…


6. Eat healthy meals and snacks

Working at home makes it more tempting to just binge on “instant food” for lunch, order delivery, or eat all the snacks in your grocery pile. Prepare your healthy meals and snacks before you start the workday or even the week. Instead of rushing to decide what instant noodles to have for lunch, try those meal prep videos on Youtube. Instead of munching on junk food, try to eat more fruits and drink more water to keep yourself full yet healthy.


7. Use technology wisely

Working from home means that you don’t have the fast connection or bandwidth that most offices have. Right now, a lot of people are also working from home, putting a heavy load on our Internet servers. Free up bandwidth and save on mobile data by turning off push notifications on your phone, not mass-forwarding videos, and turning off the wi-fi on unused devices.

If you will still be working from home in the long run, consider investing in good technology such as better hardware, a faster internet service provider, and an alternative way to access the internet (e.g. a mobile data plan or broadband stick).


8. Before or after work, spend some time outside your room

Water your plants. Take a sunset picture. Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get some fresh air and a peek at the outside world. (P.S. Be wary of this if you’re in a quarantine situation.)


9. Check in on your co-workers and friends

Working from home can be freeing, but it can also become very lonely. Have a virtual “lunch out” with your officemates, or remind them to have merienda while you take yours, too. If / when possible, schedule some real-life interaction.

Build your team rapport by choosing video conferencing over audio-only meetings. This also keeps the team focused on the task at hand instead of switching between tabs and windows.


10. Build a company culture that supports working from home

Shifting to a home office set-up sometimes means having a gap in communication. To fill this need, build a culture of trust and accountability in your company. Design systems that will help people work effectively and come up with the best-possible results. For some, getting hourly updates may be helpful, while others may find this distracting. Some may be quiet behind the screen for hours, yet produce work that needs no revisions. Find out what works best for your team. 

Another way to fill the gaps in the virtual space is to ensure that meetings are efficient. Start with a clear agenda, and summarize key points and next steps before wrapping up. And just like with real-life meetings, be sure to take notes and send a contact report afterwards. This keeps everyone--no matter where they are--on the same page.

Working from home can be challenging, but it is also an opportunity and a blessing. Since the announcement of the quarantine due to COVID-19 here in the Philippines, #TeamVCS has done our best to adapt to the new situation--and this includes transitioning to a work from home arrangement. By doing this, we take part in the efforts to beat the disease, and ensure the safety of our teammates and clients. 

Is your team currently working from home? Or have you ever worked from home on a long-term basis? If you have any more tips to add to our list, feel free to leave a comment below!



Vitalstrats Creative Solutions (VCS) is a creative agency based in Quezon City, Philippines.
VCS specializes in content marketing, advertising, and video production. We use strategic creativity to help our clients grow their brands.

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Agency Reel: http://bit.ly/VCSReel2019

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